So the juggling of my race calendar continues….
I have been anxiously waiting for Rock ‘n’ Roll to announce the date of #RnRPhilly, and this happened…..
And I was all “Yay sign me up!”….then I realized that this puts #RnRPhilly one week before #RnRSavannah….gah!
I was so looking forward to running both of these races, but running them on back-to-back weekends is not an option. So now what?
I’ve gone back to staring at the R’n’R website to figure out where I’m going to get my #RocknBlog groove on – and the list of potential races is long:
In September — Virginia Beach and Montreal
In October — Denver (how bad is the altitude?) and Philly
In November — Savannah and Las Vegas (racing at night?)
In December — San Antonio
TBD — Brooklyn
Decisions… decisions – Run Philly or Savannah? Consider running the Strip at Night?And, am I crazy to even consider putting Chicago in July on the list?!?
Any words of advice? Have you run any of these races?
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((((austin austin austin austin))))
CARLA recently posted…My personal first aid kit.
Oh my gosh Carla if they had a race in Austin I’d do it in a heartbeat 🙂
I think the Vega at night would be a fun experience…one of those do it once kind of things 🙂
I only ran RnR Providence 🙁 Miss it.
AmyC recently posted…Skulpt Aim: Getting Started
I miss the Providence race too and have been lobbying for a return!
Such great locations to choose from! I would love to try a race out west like Denver, but yes, the altitude has always worried me. You go do it and let us all know how that works out, ok? ; )
misszippy recently posted…How to know if you’re race ready
Ha! Amanda you crack me up 😉
This threw me a curveball too. I haven’t officially signed up for RnR Nashville yet. I think Vegas is for sure, Savannah, St Louis….I could run Philly but being gone over Halloween would suck.
The altitude in Denver is tough but doable. They have a new, HILLIER course though that is a deal breaker for me. I can’t do hills AND altitude. Ha!
Marcia recently posted…Loving/Not Loving
Hill + Altitude = a big no! I’m starting to like the idea of Vegas. If I do Philly I’d have to fly out right after to try to get home before trick or treating…this may all come down to a coin flip 🙂
I have heard great things about Vegas!! Also, I think Savannah would be pretty sweet too. I say – go Vegas!
Natalie recently posted…Nat’s Runbit #21 – Stunning marathon locations that will make anyone want to do 26.2!
Vegas does look more and more appealing all the time!
I’m with you! I was hoping to do this one but it’s the week after Marine Corp Marathon, not sure I will be able to swing that. I usually don’t want to think about running for several weeks after a marathon!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Could it be? The cure for overeating: MealEnders review and giveaway
Oh no I can’t imagine you’d be up for that after MCM!
I’ve done 10 milers on back-to-back weekends. If you pick one to race and one for fun, it could work. Otherwise, I heard good things about Savannah. Chicago in July and even Va. Beach in September can be too hot for me. Vegas would be cool. At least you can’t go wrong no matter what you decide!
Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…Hearty Tomato Soup Recipe
True – I can’t complain they are all good options…that’s what makes it so difficult 🙂