Monday Motivation: Training Plan Kick Off


Armstrong quote

Training for the Smuttynose Rockfest and Philadelphia Half officially kicks off today! I came across this quote the other day and it struck a cord with me for how I want to approach this training cycle – so much so that I have it taped to my mirror as a friendly reminder for those mornings when doubt starts to creep in and the motivation is low.

Here we go!



  1. That is my mantra for Philly too! “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable” Let’s do this!
    Angela recently posted…18 Weeks to Philly Half Marathon 2014My Profile

  2. Good luck training for the Philly half. I know the full is in Novemember, is that when the half is as well? Do you live in Philly? I just recently moved to the Philly area. I hope to run the rock n roll philly half in September.
    Lacey recently posted…When You Need to Clean Your Fitness Gear and a GIVEAWAYMy Profile

    • Yes the Philly Half is the same weekend. I don’t live in the area but have family there 🙂 I’ve heard good things about the RnR half – good luck!!

  3. All the best with your training! Excited for you!
    Marcia recently posted…Are You Holding Yourself Back?My Profile

  4. getting comfortable being uncomfortable is one of my goals this training cycle. excited for you!
    Courtney @ Eat Pray Run, DC recently posted…Navy Air Force Half Training Recap, Week FourMy Profile

  5. “getting comfortable being uncomfortable” – I like that 🙂
    Jose recently posted…My New PlanMy Profile

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