The treadmill is quickly becoming my new BFF for the majority of my runs lately, which means I am heavily dependent on my tunes for added motivation (and distraction). But, with the playlist in heavy rotation, I am in need of some new songs to keep things interesting, so today I’m linking up with Mar on the Give Me a Beat playlist linkup!
Here are a few of my current faves (no judgement!):
“Applause” by Lady Gaga — This one made it to my playlist after my oldest son suggested I listen to it. Never fails to get my feet moving!
“Runaway Baby” by Bruno Mars — Ever since I saw Bruno perform this at the Grammy’s I’ve been hooked.
“It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons — The slower pace makes it a great tune for early in the run.
“Try” by P!nk — This one comes up in the later miles of a long run – helps me to refocus when my energy level is waning.
“Counting Stars” by One Republic — Another one that never fails to get me going.
“Run this Town” by Jay-Z (feat. Rihanna & Kayne West) — There is always at least one Jay-Z song on every one of my playlists!
As you can see, my music tastes run the gamut!
So help me out – what’s the one tune that is a must have on your playlist? And, if you’re looking for inspiration, head on over to Mar on the Run and checkout the rest of the link up!
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Girl Talk’s Feed the Animals is an hour of high energy and fun songs
White Panda’s Mo Free Mo Fallin and Drake and Diane are super fun also
Outkast’s Hey Ya gets me clapping and trying to dance while running haha
Thanks Stephanie – don’t know any of these but I’m off to check them out!
I’m mostly milling too and ya know what? It’s not too bad. My tunes are whacked out and all over the place. I do like that new RIchard Newman song. Can’t even remember the name…
I’m glad you’re surviving the mill ok – I’m going keep and screaming all the way 🙂
Bastille-Pompeii is a new favorite. As is Miss Jackson by Panic! At The Disco. Can’t think of any others right now since I’m at work, but there’s a couple for you!
Thanks Courtney!
I linked up also! I too am also loving those on your list. Pink’s Try is currently a favorite of mine too. However, I missed that one when I put my list together.
Oh Maria I’m heading over to check out your list!
A few go-to’s I always love are “Can’t Stop Us” – Macklemore, “My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark” – Fall Out Boy, and “Home” by Marc Broussard.
I have long resisted Lady Gaga but I do catch myself singing along to “Applause” 🙂
I know I’m not a Gaga fan, but this one does get me moving! And I forgot about “Can’t Stop Us” – another good one! Thanks for the suggestions 🙂
I love Macklemore & Ryan Lewis right now for workout music. And there’s a song called Differentology by a newer artist named Bunji Garlin It has a fantastic rhythm and beat perfect for running. It’s my power song.
Love learning about new songs! I will check out Differentology – thanks Haley!