Monday Monday


I love getting in an early morning run on a Monday – love the feeling of accomplishment and it’s not even 8:30 yet! Sets a good tone for the week ahead.

After a rough night of sleep (I have bouts of insomnia), that 5:15 alarm sounded like nails on a blackboard so I asked J to hit the Snooze twice for 20 more minutes — yes the alarm clock is on his side of the bed…I’m not a morning person and despite my preference for morning runs, if the clock were on my side the Snooze button and I would be BFFs. 20 minutes later I was greeted with some rap/pop number (note to self – check the radio station on the alarm clock) and while I wasn’t feeling any peppier I did get up this time, stumbled over the dog and made my way down to the kitchen. As I mentioned before, I’m searching for the right pre-run meal so there was a moment of indecision as I debated whether I would even bother eating. But since I was hoping to get 7 in, I leaned towards eating something and settled on a Honey Stringer, and planned to carry a GU with me just in case.

I got my act together and got out the door and was a half mile into the run when I realized I’d left my handheld and GU sitting on the kitchen counter….oh well, just keep going. I swear every morning should be like this morning….temps in the high 50s, a slight breeze, sun just breaking through and no humidity – perfect! After 28 miles last week (most I’ve ever done), I wasn’t sure how my legs would do – but they felt surprisingly good. Soon I was back home, 7.5 miles done and a negative split on the back half – a good start to the day and week 9 of the training plan!

Now I’m off to rally the kids – we’re taking off for a few days on Wednesday (sqeezing in a mini vacation before school starts next week) and of course there a bunch of errands to do before we leave.

Happy Monday!



  1. PERFECT start to your day! I can just imagine how hard getting up that early is for a night owl. Kudos to you! Enjoy these last days of summer vacay! Mine went back last week. :S

  2. Hooray for not giving in to the siren song of the snooze button!
    I find this last week before school starts particularly hard to get up and get moving. Next week is gonna be painful…

  3. Great way to start the day and set the tone for the entire week! I am envious that you have one more week with the kids AND that you get to get away! Summer goes too fast.

  4. Way to get in that run! Sometimes you just have to do it no matter what…and it doesn’t sound like the lack of water and GU slowed you down at all. Enjoy the last week with kids – mine went back today and my house is way too quiet.

  5. I’m not a morning person so I totally get this!!! Only way I can get up and run in the morning is knowing that someone is waiting for me (my running buddy). When I have to run alone during the week, I pretty much gave up running in the morning and just run in the evening. Great job in getting the run in the morning though!!

  6. Wow what a trooper–have no idea how you manage to get into the mornign runs…i only dream of accomplishing that…

    • Despite not being much of a morning person, I find if I don’t try to run early in the day I tend not to get it in – schedule gets hijacked 🙂

  7. sounds like a great start to the day!

  8. Michelle,
    Do you ever feel unsafe running alone? I would love to go for a run alone, but I can’t think of anywhere safe to go :/ My neighborhood is great, minus the STINKIN dogs 🙁

    • Corletta
      Of course there’s no such thing as 100% safe but I feel pretty comfortable on the route I run. I tend to run in busy areas of town and in neighborhoods where friends live. Have you thought about pepper spray for the dogs? I also do part of my long runs with friends.

  9. I need to start more weeks off with a run. I keep a spreadsheet of my current training and Monday is by far my lowest mileage day. Time to kick that habit with a holiday next week.

  10. I have bad bouts of insomnia too so I can relate how tired you had to be. Great job getting that run in though and I hope you guys have a fantastic mini vacation! 🙂

  11. temps in the 50’s? I’ll be on a plane friday to come visit you!! 🙂

    I feel like insomnia happens to all of us occasionally…maybe because runners are thinkers!

  12. Mondays are the toughest workout days for me. I just want to rest and sleep and have fun. Going back to work is tough and so I relax in the evening 🙂

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