The weather people started predicting rain last Wednesday…and well let’s just say there’s rain and then there’s R-A-I-N! After worrying for weeks about preparing for hazy, hot and humid – I got a super soaker! Mother Nature definitely has a sense of humor 🙂
I was up and out by 5 to make the drive down to Providence. I realized over the past couple of days that I was far more wound-up for this race than I was my first half and I couldn’t put my finger on why until that morning. With my first half, my goals were simply to finish, to finish strong and to have fun. Going into this race, I realized I was feeling a self-imposed pressure to PR. But every race is different right? In fact when I registered for this one I hadn’t even run my first – I was just psyched to do an R’n’R race right in my backyard! So on the ride down I let go of the pressure – just gonna let go and run!
It was a continual downpour from start to finish but the bands, cheerleaders, some diehard spectators and fellow runners made for a fun race! And I loved that my family cheer squad was out in force again!
Running in sloshing sneakers was not even a little enjoyable – it really took me about the first 5 miles to find a rhythm. I had this crazy headache and felt like I was running in a bit of a haze – really odd. I took some GU chomps and water and started to feel much better.
By mile 8, I was feeling really good and when I spotted my family around 10 I was in good form and feeling pretty strong! I felt great as I crossed the finish line…um, who’s idea was it to make the last 100 yds uphill?!
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(This pic’s not out of focus – that’s rain!) |
So my second half marathon in 10 weeks is done! And, while there was no PR, training in all kinds of weather conditions this year (and I do mean all – bitter cold, snow, rain and crazy heat), really helped me to have the mental toughness needed to get through this race. And I loved that I felt stronger the late in the race! All-in-all a good day!
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way to push through! congrats!
Don’t you hate it when they throw in those hills at the last minute. Sounds like you still had a good run though. Congrats!
Nice work! Way to push through the crappy conditions – great outlook on your last couple months of training – what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger!
Congrats! If you can get through that, you can get through a LOT! Nice job 🙂
nice job Michelle. i heard the conditions stunk….
Great race, Michelle! Your pics look like you were feeling good…can’t beat that! 🙂
Great job!!!
Great race! I love the look of happiness in your photos.
I love how we train in all the elements and get hit with them when we race!!! Good old new england hehe
Good job you are such a warrior out there! Im so amazed by your strength! Great race
Good for you! Great job running in that ran, and booo for that uphill finish! Congrats!
Great job on racing in the rain!!! 🙂
Congratulations!! Sticks that it rained but you still got some great pics! I have been wanting to do a RnR race…
Congrats Michelle!!! Way to push through all that rain!!!
Thanks also for joining me in prayer!!
Way to push through tough conditions! Hard rain sucks! Congrats on #2!
Sounds like you made the best of bad weather conditions. I have to say that your arms are amazing! Yowzie!
Nice job pushing through! I hated the final hill too, but it was a fun race overall!