Last Saturday, I was invited to attend a minimalist shoe clinic sponsored by Saucony. It was a great chance to see their full line, including a shoe that won’t be available until the summer. I appreciate their philosophy that minimalism doesn’t have to be an all or nothing proposition. As the Saucony rep spoke repeatedly about exploring what works for you as an individual, and gradually integrating a minimalist shoe into your training.
I was particularly interested in learning more about the Mirage, their intro-to-minimalism shoe that features the lower heal-to-toe ratio of a minimalist shoe combined with a bit more arch support. I figured that given where I am in my training and my slight over-pronation, this would be a good place to start vs. taking the bigger leap with the Kinvara. Luckily the Saucony rep had brought a bunch of shoes for us to try and I loved the feel of the Mirage. So yes, as you have probably guessed, I ordered a pair (the 15% discount sealed the deal!). I plan to use them on my easy runs first, while continuing in my Brooks Adrenaline for my long runs.
My hope is that as I strengthen some of the under-developed muscles in my legs and feet, I can make the transition to a more minimalist shoe as the year goes on. And, this combined with my ChiRunning efforts will hopefully improve my mechanics and help keep me injury-free!
Speaking of ChiRunning, I’ve got a private workshop scheduled for Sunday with Certified ChiRunning Instructor Ryan Miller. I’m really looking forward to spending time with Ryan – I’ve got lots of questions!! I’ll be posting a full report when we’re done.
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Good for you! I think you will find it really good for your body and your running. I am doing a Chi clinic on Sunday as well…a full day with Danny Dreyer. Pretty excited!
I can’t wait to hear how it went. Good luck!
I can’t wait to hear what you think about the new shoe. 🙂
I wear the Adrenaline now, and I like it. But, there’s always room for new running shoes, right?
P.S.: I started the Galloway this week because of my knee and my upcoming half. I will do a post about how I decided to Galloway since many people asked me that.
YAY you!
I need to do this one day.
I know it’s what’s best! Can’t wait to see how you love it!
Wow! Can’t wait to hear about the Chi clinic or the shoes. I have PF (plantar fascitis) issues, so I’ve been wary of all the minimalist shoes. Maybe I should look at the “compromise” lines.
I love ChiRunning! I took two classes, but I have to admit: I found it quite hard, to remember everything.
The thing that’s stuck best, is relaxing my shoulders.